Thursday, January 18, 2007

Whose got the power? Which church will last ?

Choices - which church will survive ?

After spending nearly 15 years seeking to restore some sense of workable order to a great profession that has, for all those years ,been slowly disbanded and reincarnated elsewhere ( opposite the Baptist Church ) One believer who could choose to go to both places is tempted to ask "who really has the power" and "Why do you allow this God-- if you care to act for good , as you say you do ?" "Are you as powerful as you claim to be? ".Why haven't you sent lightning to strike the new church?

Some would say "why not God " after All, YOUR job should have evaporated nearly 20yrs ago and yet you are still there - you have been doing some quite satisfaying work that isn't contrained by paper encyclicals ? and they have been paying you all that time ! It seems that's the way governments work these days --they don't sack people, they just leave them hanging ; they don't drop you,, they duplicate you . Not good use of human or taxpayers resources, but that is what the Victorian parliament encouraged supported and allowed in so many areas of restructure over the last few decades !Did i do any work - Yes amazingly lots until recently.

When the duplication dumbness didn't happen, of course, the hamfisted Jeff still broke more china than he gained in capital .he wasn't very wise - lets hope the next lot do some listening . If only they would consult those who just want to do their job and get on with the profession they trained for the governemnet services. It wouldn't have grown so much ; they always say they want "smaller government" but because they don't have the confidenec genarted by listensing to the truly competant they are the ones who create duplication - seems simple enough .No change for change sake imperatives . On a good thing stick with it !
The Bapos across the road have that appeal , well to old dinosaurs at least - the new incarnation is just simply not an issue . He's come. He spoke. He's solved the key issues; He's done it all --that' it !
The NEW church across the road , though is not that appealing, once you get to hear about what happens inside - not so much singing as chanting . . Its rumoured they pay people a lot to go there and thats why most of them go . While they offer you heaps to stay there, you have to learn to use new hymnbooks and even doctrinal strategies every week and it seems --if you read between the lines of those who go there that you are even required to say things you don't even believe . Sound pretty heretical to me . So which church is more to be preferred ? One pays poorly but gives great freedom. but those paid well talk about as though they are paid to be in prison?

the theme song who make their living out of changing direcetion is they get the name sustainability - perhaps govt depeartment are named afetr a need they havenot a function they perform , i it . the old leader has been around but he sustainably draws an audinece each week > not o sure about the other side .


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